Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hey, Nauru: I like you, too!

Yom rishon, 22 Tevet 5769.

Life stays interesting here in Israel.
What would you do if your two best friends in the whole world -- in fact, your only friends -- were this really, really big rich guy, who is ambivalent about his feelings of support for you, and this little teeny kid who, though he's 100% behind you, makes a 98-pound weakling look hefty?
The big, wishy-washy guy is the US, of course.  But you probably never heard of the little guy.  Meet Nauru, the only other nation in the world that voted against the bizarre cease-fire arrangement on the grounds that it wasn't fair to Israel.
Check out this issue of Haveil Havalim, hosted by Mordechai at The Rebbetzin's Husband, for a more thorough history of this interesting and brave little ally of Israel.  He calls this the I-love-Nauru Edition.

If the Dearly Beloved and I willingly travel outside Israel for a vacation, Nauru looks pretty good to us.  How can you not want to visit a place who's motto is "God's Will First"?


The Blogging Safta said...

Have a great trip....even if it is just on your blog. It is so relaxing to read your words.....


Shalomis said...

Nauru...who knew? My hat's off to you! May Hashem bless this little island nation that could.

BurtB said...

I tried to find a flight from Brisbane, on Orbitz, and no luck.

How does one get to Nauru?
The international Airport Code is:
Nauru Island, Nauru (INU)

Nauru's official currency is the Australian dollar. The cash-strapped Bank of Nauru is not functioning, and it is not possible to exchange or access money on Nauru. Bring (preferably more than) the amount of Australian dollars you think you'll need.

There are no credit-card facilities and no ATMs.

It's a frustrating and lengthy process to obtain a visitor visa for Nauru. Visas must be approved before arrival and you must bring a letter of confirmation with you. Visas are free for official visitors; others pay A$100 on arrival, at which point you give your passport to the immigration authorities and pick it up, with visa stamped, from the immigration office (444 3133; fax 444 3832) in the government buildings the next working day. Ask for Ernest Stephen, the helpful chief immigration officer, if you have problems on arrival.