Sunday, July 5, 2009

Signs of Home

Yom rishon, 13 Tamuz 5769.

How do I know I'm really Home?  I can find mezuzah covers on sale at the hardware store.

There are mikva'ot on the path to the Holy Temple, so travelers won't have to wait in long lines to immerse prior to entering areas of sanctity.  (I can see the signs going up along Derech HaAvot any day now:  "Dip on the way!  Beat the rush!") 

My bank offers deeper insights into existence, as if a Heavenly voice were speaking directly to each patron.  (The sign says "Your tomorrow begins already today.")  Somehow in Hebrew, the message is inescapable. 

Even "you snooze, you lose" looks better in the holy tongue.  Or as we used to say less colorfully:  "He who hesitates is lost."  I don't think the saying was intended to sell BMWs.  But you have to admit, it makes you think.

The people, of course, tell more about Home than the signs do.

A young soldier lays tefillin at a booth in the central bus station.
At Home, an ancient beggar gives heartfelt brachot for health, happiness, wealth, Torah-observant children, and no ayin hara.

The flags for national holidays have the Magen David on them, and are hung by immigrants from the four quarters of the Earth.

People who make us nervous usually end up on posters sporting the trademark symbol of Arafat, yemach shemo, the kaffiyeh

Even signs advertising upcoming summer fun for kids are more delightful to me in Hebrew.  ("Caution:  there is color here."  Sounds so much cooler than "Caution:  wet paint.")

At Home, friends surprise one another by coming from four different street corners for a group hug.

And guys who were neighbors half a world a way plan how they're going to go about becoming neighbors again.
At Home, national football players drop by my apartment to make themselves a bite of lunch...
...and then it turns out that I am actually related to most of them...
...and when they act like national football heroes everywhere, I just roll my eyes, and go back to what I was doing.
(Sam, I'm pretty sure they learned this from you.  You're grounded for a week.  That'll fix you.)

And when one is truly at Home, she gets the privilege, now and then, of glimpsing the future of her people -- and it looks beautiful and healthy and strong, and very sweet.  That gives me a sense of peace.

These youths from Bat Ayin -- who could have spent the day with friends at the beach -- were near the Kotel, raising money and awareness for the family of the sweet boy who was murdered by an Arab terrorist just a few months ago.  May Hashem avenge his blood.  And may we share b'sorot tovot.

This post was in honor of the hostess of this week's issue of Haveil Havalim #224, The Fourth of July Weekend Edition, which is on the rack at Toby's place, A Time of the Signs.
Mezuzah covers:  used to house the small pieces of Torah-inscribed parchment found on the doorposts of Jewish homes and businesses
Mikva'ot:  ritual baths, for spiritual purification
Derech HaAvot:  Path of the Patriarchs -- the actual road traveled by our forefathers on the three pilgrimage festivals to the Holy Temple
Brachot:  blessings
Ayin hara: "evil eye," by some treated as a superstition; by others who see the world more spiritually and less physically, understood to be bad fortune that can be brought down onto one's head by the jealousy of others
Yemach shemo:  May his name be erased
B'sorot tovot:  Good tidings, good news


Yarden Frankl said...

Don't like the picture of President Obama. I am glad that they were covered up with 24 hours. The concept that he is a "jew-Hater" and "Anti-Semite" would be laughable if it wasn't so offensive.

treppenwitz said...

@Yarden... I agree that calling Obama a 'Jew Hater' may be a bit strong. But there is no imperical proof of the 'special bond' he says exists between the US and Israel in any of his actions since taking office... only in his speeches to Jewish audiences. The people who made those posters were operating under the 'if you aren't with us, you're against us' principle. Sadly, in this part of the world there is very little middle ground.

@ Ruti... that mikveh entrance you photographed is exactly as described in the Mishneh (with one side for going in and another for those coming out... and a mehitza to keep the tameh people from touching the tahor people as they pass one another.

Finally, thanks so much for your eamil title. today. Now I can't get that song out of my head. :-)

rutimizrachi said...

Yarden: The sanity of the world depends on young people who continue to believe. I will not be sad if you are correct.

Trep: Now I know what it takes to get a drop-by from Chez Treppenwitz. ;-) Time for your signature tag line, I believe: DTM -- IAG.

Anonymous said...

nice rainbow tichel on the old woman. Obama is for the USA. He is president of the USA. Since Israel is separate from the USA, I guess rather then demonizing him maybe we could just admit that while we are for Israeli interests and cannot compromise our interests for any other country, the USA must do the same for their citizens. It makes us more responsible for what is ours and if the USA interests are for peace in the Middle East on what is perceived as fair by US standards, then we must be truthful about what we perceive is fair by our standards. May Israel thrive not on what the USA thinks and does but by what Jews think and act in the interest of peace and security. No one can blame Obama for being interested in creating peace among nations at war, but since those who live in those area but create their out fate, our responsibilities become greater to our own interests. The dependency of Israel in the USA for decades has weakened our governments ability to act on Israeli interests in fear of the world. I guess we are being forced to grow in ways that may be harder and more lonely but that is Hashem's plan for us and Obama is his shliach. May Hashem bless him with wisdom to act for peace and may we also be blessed to know when to act for peace. Since peace and not just our own survival is what our purpose is in this world.Serving Hashem in peace is much more desirable then seeing the world at war and we are destroyed along with those nations due to our own lack of maturity to be a holy nation inspite of the actions of other nations. To defend for peace is holy and may look very different inside then outside. I pray that Hashem merits Israel to live in peace and the nations of the world to live in peace and may we be able to share the blessing without hatred and judgments that cloud our holiness from ourselves and each other.

rutimizrachi said...

Anonymous: Amen!

David Eastman said...

nice going sam!!!

Sheyna Ariel said...

As a friend of mine said last year during the campaign, "Obama will be good for Israel because he will force her to stand on her own two feet". Anonymous, you are right, the sooner we see that he is but a shaliach of Hashem, our one and only King, then we will truly be able to work towards the peace that will come with Mashiach Tzidkeinu, bimheyra Beyameinu!

the sabra said...

Good timing, this post. Like really super good timing.

(Remember how I fell in love with your blog cuz of posts like this one?)

sparrow said...

Ruti, I love being "introduced" to your family and friends via your blog! I bet there is never a dull moment in your house:-)
Did your son ever get his replacement Kippah?

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this inspirational post. Your love of Eretz Yisroel pours out of your words and into my heart.

rutimizrachi said...

My dear children, by birth and adoption: Thank you for your support and great comments, as always.

Sparrow: I am so glad you are enjoying visiting here! Keep dropping by.

Anonymous: Thank you for your kind words!