Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kine Hora. Puh-puh-puh.

Yom shlishi, 29 Tishrei 5769.


No, I am not an amnesiac, awakening suddenly to clarity.

It's just that, once in a while, it strikes me again that I finally have something I was striving so hard to attain for many years.

Maybe it's similar to the feeling of completing med school, which I believe also takes about 16 years (after all the internships and so on).

Maybe it's like having a baby after you've been trying for more than a decade.

You just occasionally have to pinch yourself, and say out loud, "I made it!  Baruch Hashem!"

During my morning walk, I fixed my eyes on the street sign at the top of the long hill, just to give myself an attainable goal.  "Nof Herodiyon," it says.  But in Hebrew letters.  My street.  So the thought washed over me:  We have been here for a full year, even on the lunar calendar.  And I cannot entirely believe it.

I am very, very grateful. 

I am also very conscious of all of our dear friends who want to be here, but who are not.  Yet.

Today, my davening for those in Chutz l'Aretz who want to come Home will be strengthened by my own love of this place -- the same kind of love you have for someone you are afraid of losing, if you take him for granted.

Tatte b'Shomayim, please grant the prayers of those who want a good thing with all their hearts. 


rickismom said...

Mazel Tov!

the sabra said...

oh. my. gd.
i can't believe it.
thank you.
thank you thank you thank you.
NOW we can continue the discussion on friends...

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Mazal tov!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not descending into complacency (or worse, incessant complaining) now that you're there. Thank you for modeling how to appreciate what Hashem sends us. And most of all, thank you for remembering that there are others still stuck outside the Land who are not yet as fortunate.

Anonymous said...

I live in Los Angeles. Parnassah, y'know.

rutimizrachi said...

Rickismom: Baruch tihiyi! (I am sure I messed up the transliteration; but what I meant to say was "blessings backatcha.")

Sabra: That ol' "things in common" beginning for friendship. Like wanting and loving the same thing, with the same crazy intensity.

Jameel: Nothing says mazal tov like a waffle breakfast, attended by hundreds of one's closest blogistim.

Bat Aliyah: I can't say anything to you that the hug I'm gonna give you wouldn't say better. See you soon.

Robert: (Sigh.) I know. I remember. But Hashem knows that at least part of your heart is here. Meanwhile, you have to keep those girlsies in shoesies. ;-)

mishmum said...

Yaffe! Almost the same words that biti wrote to me when she was in the Holy Land.
Biti - At zocheret?? Every time you opened the gate...